About Me

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I'm retired and a freelance writer.

Check out these books, by me and my family, available for Kindle:

A Front Porch Trilogy
Where Do Socks Go?
We Count
My Brother's Plot

I have also published two more books on kindle but am currently unable to get the links to work. They are: The One Little Pig and Who Killed Freddie Mouse? Also check out other blogs and websites by me and my family:

My Life With Cats
My Life With Dogs

Sunday, February 9, 2014


     Here I am wishing a cat could carry on a conversation with me.  And, in a sense, a cat can.  In checking the internet, which has become a friend of mine, I find this bit of information to share.  It states there are four things a cat tells you.  One, "I am hungry."  Two, "I want to go outside."  Three, "Help!" Four, "I want attention."  There might be more.  They actually say a lot with that one word meow.  And meow is a word in Webster's Dictionary.  It means the whining sound made by a cat.  As for the human, some of us have to say a lot of words to get a message across. 
     As I sit here typing this little piece, up jumps my cat, Runt.  The little grey and white calico is talking to me, "Meow! Meow!" She's non-stop trying to gain my attention.  She's now used two words to communicate.  She's grabbing my attention and at the same time saying, "I'm hungry!"  It is time for treats so I must go!

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