About Me

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I'm retired and a freelance writer.

Check out these books, by me and my family, available for Kindle:

A Front Porch Trilogy
Where Do Socks Go?
We Count
My Brother's Plot

I have also published two more books on kindle but am currently unable to get the links to work. They are: The One Little Pig and Who Killed Freddie Mouse? Also check out other blogs and websites by me and my family:

My Life With Cats
My Life With Dogs

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Good Imagination - Part I

Written by Karen Gillespie.
           This true story takes place on a Saturday in June, 2007. Our family of five was getting ready to go on vacation the next day. When I say that, what I really mean is that my husband and I were doing all the work getting ready.  We had a seven year old, a three year old, and a two year old at the time. They were not much help!  We had all the windows and doors open to the house. We were packing inside and cleaning out the car outside. We were very busy doing everything else under the sun.  Accomplishing everything that needed to be done seemed more hurried due to the fact that we had small children under foot.  So when three year old Adam began tugging on my leg and saying, “Mama…there’s a kitten outside under the hedge,” I paid him no attention.  “Okay son…” was my absent-minded reply.
            To make matters more hectic, our dog Abby kept barking out front.  She was barking nonstop.  I figured the kids had her all riled up.  Really, I assumed my husband was rough housing her, and I was annoyed that he obviously had strayed from his car-cleaning duties. My middle child came to me again.  “Mama…there’s a little bitty kitten under the hedge.”
           I thought, “How cute.  He has one of his stuffed animal cats outside playing with it.”  Because, you see….we didn’t have a kitten. “Okay, Adam,” was all I said. He had such a good imagination! He could entertain himself so well! We had two big adult cats, and the kids always thought having a kitten would be such fun. I smiled and began washing some leftover breakfast dishes at this point.
            I don’t know why I didn’t pay attention to what he was saying, but about five minutes or so later, my husband came in and said to me, “Hey! There’s a tiny kitten under the hedge and Abby keeps barking at it! Come look!” He was shaking his head in wonder. “Adam came and told me about it.”
            “Really?” I asked in surprise, “Adam has also been telling me there is a kitten out there, but I didn’t believe him.” I dried my hands and hurried outside. I’ve been a cat lover all my life and I wanted to see this kitten!
            I walked out front and Abby was barking like crazy.  I moved her out of the way and sure enough, under the hedge was a tiny gray, black, and white tabby kitten peering up at us.  I, my husband, Adam, and our other two children stared down at the tiny creature.  The kitten stared back up at us with huge frightened eyes.  I think it was just afraid of Abby and her incessant barking.  I looked at my husband and said, “Pick it up.” 
            He reached down and picked the kitten up and noticed right away that her tail was completely stripped of fur.  It was a little bit bloody and the bone was sticking out at the end. He handed the kitten to me and I held it close.  I looked at the kitten’s tail and I knew right away that it needed medical treatment.  My husband asked, “What do we do?”
            I replied, “The vet stays open until noon on Saturdays. We might be able to make it up there.  What time is it?” It was eleven-fifteen. My husband went and got his cell phone and called up there.  Our vet is located only a mile and a half from our house.  They told my husband to bring the kitten in right away and they would be glad to help us. 
            Our hectic preparations for our vacation came to a standstill.  My husband got his car keys and we looked at each other.  I asked, “Do you want ME to take the kitten up there?” 
            “No,” he said. “I will.” And then he did something I didn’t expect.  He looked over at little Adam and said, “Adam, do you want to go with me?  It’s your kitten.  You found it.” Adam was overjoyed.  I was concerned.  I was sure that taking a three year old up to the vet was a bad idea. Since this was a spur of the moment visit, there would surely be a long wait. He would probably get bored and act up.  Nevertheless, he was going.  The two of them got into the car and headed up the road.  I and the other two children were left to wonder how this would all turn out.
            (To be continued on the weekend of March 29-31)

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