About Me

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I'm retired and a freelance writer.

Check out these books, by me and my family, available for Kindle:

A Front Porch Trilogy
Where Do Socks Go?
We Count
My Brother's Plot

I have also published two more books on kindle but am currently unable to get the links to work. They are: The One Little Pig and Who Killed Freddie Mouse? Also check out other blogs and websites by me and my family:

My Life With Cats
My Life With Dogs

Friday, January 18, 2013

Behind the Eight Ball

Inside our den, we had a regulation pool table.  The children saw something in it; although we did not allow them to play pool.   What they saw was a cute name though.  It became obvious when we went in search of a kitten.  There among the litter was a black tabby male cat.   The feature that stood out most on him was his white spot on his neck.  And so; the children named him Eight Ball.  We never got him neutered.  He stayed outside.  He was a male, but seemed to seldom wonder off.  He played with the children.  It was in the early eighties and the subdivision did not have that many strays.  I guess this was an era before they started being abandoned as much.  It was a time before the cat population grew.  Or at least; it did look that way.

It was lunch time and my three children wanted to eat in the garage.  We kept the large garage door open.  The table they would eat on was a yellow plastic table with four chairs.  It was sturdy and so I agreed to bring their food to them.  I even got an invitation to join them as they ate their macaroni and cheese.  Macaroni and cheese was their favorite dish and still is today.  I had no complaints as it was easy to make.  But I declined their invitation and kept busy in the house as they ate.  Once finished eating, back to play they went.

I took no time heading out to clean up behind them.  I was startled by what I saw.  There in the middle of the table where the children had just eaten their lunch laid a snake.  It was motionless; but still very much alive.  I picked up a shovel leaning against the wall close by and somehow managed to get it upon it.  Walking slowly to the edge of the yard, I tossed that thing.  The children, looking on, laughed and together began to speak,  “You came in behind the Eight Ball.”
“I did what?”
           "We saw Eight Ball drop the snake on the table.” 
            I never knew cats would catch snakes.  But when sharing the story with friends, I was told cats do bring owners snakes.  It was a small snake and cats do like those small creatures.  Recently, my son noticed the stray cat Skillet coming across the street to eat food we put out.  Inside her mouth, she carried a small snake.  But when my son crumbled together a bag of treats, she dropped it and came running.  The treats apparently were more appetizing. 
I will never forget that day in that garage when I saw that snake.  I laugh to think, I truly was behind the Eight Ball on that one.

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