About Me

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I'm retired and a freelance writer.

Check out these books, by me and my family, available for Kindle:

A Front Porch Trilogy
Where Do Socks Go?
We Count
My Brother's Plot

I have also published two more books on kindle but am currently unable to get the links to work. They are: The One Little Pig and Who Killed Freddie Mouse? Also check out other blogs and websites by me and my family:

My Life With Cats
My Life With Dogs

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sliding Cat

     My new cat, Stan Lee, likes to go down the slide!  Okay, I don't know if it is completely true that he LIKES it, but he does go down the slide.  I've never seen a cat go down a slide before.
     We got Stan Lee as a kitten in June.  He was ten weeks old when we got him.  At five months old now, he is already neutered and accepted by the other pets.  He has a personality like no cat I have ever had before.  He's crazy.  He is bold.  One can have many cats over their lifetime, but each and every one has its own distinct personality.
     So, a few days ago, I walked out into the backyard with my son.  The cats and dog followed along as usual.  The kids have a tree fort out there and it is a nice shady area to go during the day.  That's why my son and I went out there.  Stan Lee sat directly under the front of the tree fort.  I mentioned to my son that I had put Stan Lee up into the tree fort a few weeks back and he had come down the slide.  It was pretty funny.  I figured it was a fluke.  I figured that once the cat knew how the slide worked, he would steer clear of going down it again.  My son scooped up the kitty and set him in the tree house.  He was about six feet up, by the way,
     Stan Lee nonchalantly walked over to the slide, sat with his paws in front of him, and scooted down the slide.  It was funny because he kind of used his front paws spread out in a way that made him go down slower than ordinary.  He got to the bottom, jumped off, and rubbed himself against the dog.  Now, our other cats would have just jumped down to the ground.  That's what they do.  Not Stan.  He doesn't seem to be much of a jumper.
     Immediately, my son scooped up Stan Lee and set him right back up in the tree fort.  Stan meowed at us and walked around.  Then he went to the slide, placed himself in the same position as before, and slid down the slide.  When he reached the bottom, he swatted at a leaf and ran back up the slide about two feet and slid back down again.  He never showed any fear or alarm about sliding.  What do you think we said?  "Man, we have GOT to get this on video."
     Stan got off of the slide, but turned immediately and ran back up it about two feet and slid back down.  Silly cat.
     We left him alone to play for awhile, but the temptation became too great for me.  The last time, I was the one to scoop him up and put him back up into the tree fort. Stan did not disappoint us.  He took his time, of course.  He is a cat.  He wanted us to see who was really in charge.  He came down the slide again.  He seemed to enjoy it.  And my son did capture it on video on his IPOD.  As soon as I can get it from him, I will see about putting it on the blog.

(This was written by my daughter, Karen)