About Me

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I'm retired and a freelance writer.

Check out these books, by me and my family, available for Kindle:

A Front Porch Trilogy
Where Do Socks Go?
We Count
My Brother's Plot

I have also published two more books on kindle but am currently unable to get the links to work. They are: The One Little Pig and Who Killed Freddie Mouse? Also check out other blogs and websites by me and my family:

My Life With Cats
My Life With Dogs

Monday, June 30, 2014

Coming up in July...

I've got to get caught up on some paperwork.  When I do, I will post another cat story coming up in July.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sticky on Vacation

     It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder.  My first story back, in my absence from submitting stories, begins with a story about Sticky.  Sticky was an outside cat.  He was diagnosed with leukemia which originally kept him from becoming an indoor cat.  But his latest visit to a vet had them saying he did not have leukemia.  After several attempts failed to get the indoor cats to accept him, he was destined to remain outdoors.  In previous stories I told of the house we built for this outside cat.  He slept inside it through a harsh winter.  The warm heating pad made life very comfortable for him.  But....two weeks ago a rough thunderstorm came through during the night.  Generally I can sleep through thunderstorms, but not this one. The thunder was so loud and terrifying that it woke me from a heavy sleep.  
     When morning came and I opened the front door, no Sticky was to be found.  He generally always comes to the front door when it is opened.  He gets his treats and food off and on all during the day.  The boy never has to search for food.  But this morning, Sticky did not appear.  His disappearance would go on for a week.  He had apparently been frightened off by that loud thunder that had scared even me.  How could Sticky survive out there after being handed his food since weaned?  Since it was a week gone, I wrote Sticky off as having used up all his nine lives.  Sticky simply was no more.  
     It was one week to the day that Sticky had disappeared.  My son was outside in the front yard.  He opened the front door calling to me, "Come outside!  I want to show you something!"  
     Immediately I went out the front door following him close behind.  There, to my surprise, was Sticky.  He looked the same as always.  There was no filthy coat.  There was no apparent weight loss.  It was like he had never been missing.  He went into his usual routine.  There was one minor change, though.  A metal rocking chair for me was on the front porch.  I sat in it often while watching Sticky eat.  It had a nice cushion in it.  Now I was about to find myself sharing the chair with Sticky.  He curled up in the chair and went to sleep.  
     I am glad Sticky is back.  I don't mind sharing my chair.  I am just so glad to have him back.  He was missed by both myself and my son.  His absence made us realize just how much we love him.  
     As my son says, "Sticky was just on vacation."