About Me

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I'm retired and a freelance writer.

Check out these books, by me and my family, available for Kindle:

A Front Porch Trilogy
Where Do Socks Go?
We Count
My Brother's Plot

I have also published two more books on kindle but am currently unable to get the links to work. They are: The One Little Pig and Who Killed Freddie Mouse? Also check out other blogs and websites by me and my family:

My Life With Cats
My Life With Dogs

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Technical Dificulties

Due to Technical Difficulties, I have been unable to post on my blogs for the past two weeks.  Posting will begin again next week. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tobias Finds a New Home

            It was a hard decision to make, but Tobias had to go.  A cat especially sought to find by his owner, he was bought at a Pet Store in a surrounding town.  The drive was no problem as many Pet Stores were called in search of that special white cat.  The cat’s name was chosen before he was already purchased.  Home he was brought to live with three female spayed cats.  Himself neutered was seen as no problem to his fitting in.  But constantly he fought with one of the females.  She was separated and lived in a small room by herself.  Tobias dominated the area with the other two cats.  They were allowed free run of the house.  The one cat separated seemed to adapt to her limited space.  The owners hated doing this, but could not see any other solution.  They did not want to get rid of Tobias.  They did not want to get rid of any of their cats that they had grown to love.  Well, not until new baby came along.
            Even I could sense some change with Tobias when I visited.  He stayed close to the baby.  At first it was believed he liked the baby.  But was he just checking things out?  His personality was changing.  He fought more and more with now the other two cats.  And if the cat limited to space and kept up got out, Tobias attacked.  It was a scary day when the baby was in the arms of her Dad that Tobias charged after one of the cats.  In line of his attack was that baby in the arms of her Dad.  Tobias just missed the baby.  This incident was one of many.  It made the parents leery of their cat Tobias.
            Reviewing their options, there was releasing him outside.  Btu having always been an indoor cat made them wonder if he could survive outside.  This was definitely out!  There was the taking him to a shelter.  But there were no guarantees against him being put to sleep.  This was definitely not a solution.  The best solution was to find him a home.  It was kind of like knowledge that most people did not want a grown cat.  Tobias was a good six years old.  But the search was on for a new owner.  Surely someone would want him.  First come contact with friends.  And lo and behold, a person stepped forward immediately.
            “I’ll try to take Tobias,” said Angela.  “I have a male cat already.  If he can get along with him, I will keep him.”
            Off Tobias went to what everyone hoped would be his new home.  First, Tobias found a hiding place.  But slowly he began to come out.  There was never any fighting among the two cats.  It was as if they had been together forever.  Occasionally a telephone call to the friend brought good news.  The family loved Tobias.  And their cat apparently did so as well.

            The moral of the story is:  There’s always the possibility of placing a cat in a loving home if keeping him creates a problem for the original owner.  Give Tobias up was hard.  And it is with any cat who has become a member of your family.  But sometimes it is better to let them go if he/she can be happier somewhere else.  Tobias has a new family and is very happy.  His original owners took the time to search and found that “Perfect Home.”