About Me

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I'm retired and a freelance writer.

Check out these books, by me and my family, available for Kindle:

A Front Porch Trilogy
Where Do Socks Go?
We Count
My Brother's Plot

I have also published two more books on kindle but am currently unable to get the links to work. They are: The One Little Pig and Who Killed Freddie Mouse? Also check out other blogs and websites by me and my family:

My Life With Cats
My Life With Dogs

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Not a Tarzan; but a Jane?

             Tarzan was born to Devil eyes.  Devil Eyes disappeared, but Tarzan stayed on.  Devil Eyes had managed to teach her kitten to eat solid food from the food we put out.  We were unable to tell Tarzan’s gender as from a distance the long black hair was everywhere on her.  It was not until Tarzan come bringing seven kittens that we knew Tarzan was a girl.  We considered renaming her Jane.  But Tarzan had already stuck.  And slowly but surely, her seven kittens met their demise from some predator. 
            Whether Tarzan continued to eat from our solid food afterwards, we did not know.  But we never saw her.  She was not present when the food was placed out.  One is not outside twenty-four hours a day.  How many cats come and go is not known.  What is known is that the food all disappears.  What started as one feeding a day has now turned into two.  There’s one in early morning and one in afternoon.  It is rounded off to treats in the evening when dishes are taken up to avoid wild animals from feeding. 
            Would we see Tarzan again?  She evidently was a wanderer.  Whatever survival techniques this cat has learned, she has been using them.  For in the backyard I finally see Tarzan eating from a bowl.  I have a habit of looking out a back window sometimes.  From here, I see the patio clearly.  This is where I put out cat food.  And excited I am on this particular day to see Tarzan again.
            Today, Tarzan is not alone.  Eating out of the bowl with her is one long haired black kitten.  I laugh as this kitten is the spitting image of her mother.  I look closer and there really is just one kitten with Tarzan.  It’s a good feeling to know that a cat that has lost so many kittens in the past has finally got one to survive.  But also; I can’t help but wonder how many kittens did she start out with?
            There’s a lot of sickness and a lot of deaths with strays.  There’s also a lot of excitement that comes with it as well.  It is entertaining to watch kittens play in the yard.  They seem to have not a worry in the world.  Then they grow up and are on their own.  This outlook on life seems quite familiar.
            If this little kitten of Tarzan’s continues to survive, we will be faced with the task of naming it.  And it is pretty certain that we won’t be able to get close enough to tell its gender.  Is it not a Tarzan, but a Jane?  I am sure that time will give us the correct answer.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Most Popular

Sections of this article are taken from Most Popular on the dog blog.

             I don’t think there is any topic that the internet doesn’t comment about.  Where was the internet when I was in school?  Maybe my grades would have been a bit better then when researching for that term paper.  But all this is hindsight. 
            I was wondering about if there was a most popular name for a cat.  There is one for a baby.  Also, there is one for a dog that has already been mentioned in my dog blog.  It was out of the most popular list for the cat, I made the top ten for the names Tiger, Lucy, and Buddy.  I never made the rest of the 100 list for female and the 100 list for male thereafter.
            I could list all 100 names for male cats and the other 100 names given female cats.  But ask the question on the internet, “What are the most popular cat names and most popular dog names?”  It will take you right to the list with the click of the mouse.
            The ranking on the internet comes from the names compiled by the Veterinary Pet Medical insurance policies purchased mostly within the United States.  How accurate this is one can only guess.  Many may not have pet insurance.  I don’t for now.  I guess this subject to change if Congress and the Senate require it.
            I give below the top ten male names and female names for cats.

Rank              Male               Female
1                      Max               Chloe
2                      Tigger             Lucy
3                      Tiger               Molly
4                      Smokey          Bella
5                      Oliver              Sophie
6                      Buddy             Princess
7                      Charlie            Cleo
8                      Simba             Angel
9                      Sammy           Lily
10                    Oscar              Maggie

*Making the list of top ten on both cat and dog lists:  Max, Lucy, and Molly