About Me

- Teresa Hill
- I'm retired and a freelance writer.
Check out these books, by me and my family, available for Kindle:
A Front Porch Trilogy
Where Do Socks Go?
We Count
My Brother's Plot
I have also published two more books on kindle but am currently unable to get the links to work. They are: The One Little Pig and Who Killed Freddie Mouse? Also check out other blogs and websites by me and my family:
My Life With Cats
My Life With Dogs
Friday, December 27, 2013
When the Cat's Away, the Mice Will Play
When no one in authority is present, the subordinates will do as they please.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
It Looks Like Something the Cat Dragged In
If someone looks like something the cat dragged in, then they are very untidy and dirty. That's not a good thing.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Let The Cat Out Of The Bag
If someone lets "the cat out of the bag," then they have just revealed a secret or a surprise by accident.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Curiosity Killed The Cat
You can get into trouble if you are very curious and act on it. Someone might warn you by saying to you, "Curiosity killed the cat."
Saturday, November 2, 2013
The Cat Has Nine Lives
This saying refers to a cat's ability to survive things that are severe enough to kill him.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Cat Got Your Tongue?
When someone asks you, "Cat got your tongue?" they are asking you why you are not saying anything. Perhaps you should respond to them.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
A Scaredy Cat
A "scaredy cat" is someone who is frightened when there is no reason to be. I would venture to say that if you live in the United States, you have heard the phrase. You have probably heard it more than once. It is especially used by children. "Don't be such a scaredy cat!"
Upcoming in future weeks, I will be contemplating more cat phrases.
The cat has certainly left his mark on our daily use of language!
Friday, September 20, 2013
It's a Hard Life
He was a regular cat who came to eat. He was a bully with others stepping aside giving him dominance. The big long haired light grey male cat got the name Fuzzy Wuzzy. I gave it to him. I always said it was because beneath his tough exterior there was a fuzzy little bear trying to get out. I always wanted to rub him and show him love. I never ever dreamed I would someday be able to rub him.
Elephants go to a place where elephants go to die. Do other animals do it too? I think maybe so. I think I have seen it.
For a cat to live to get old as a stray is a mystery in itself. It is such a hard life for a stray cat. There was the cat Rags. I felt he came here to die. But after a few days he disappeared. There was the cat Buddy. He lay in a rocking chair on the front porch in his later days. He soon disappeared. I saw others come that I figured would surely die. If they died here, I would bury them. But they disappeared. I assumed they crawled off to die. But Fuzzy Wuzzy was different. He came and stayed. On that day, July 15, 2013, I found him dead. In the path that cats made crawling underneath the fence to enter the patio area, there lay a motionless Fuzzy Wuzzy.
In those days leading up to his death, he kept eating. His body was so skinny. He cried loud when I brought the food out. I reached out my hands and to my surprise, he allowed me to rub him. I wondered if human hands had ever touched him before. He stayed in the area out back during the day. He seldom left the patio area. He did though on the day of his death. He crawled only a few inches outside the area. But there he was dead at a place he called home. He was laid to rest under the pear tree close to the very spot where he took his last breath. The place we call our pet cemetery.
Every living creature on earth will die eventually. Modern man has tried to change this. But as we well know, there has been no success at it. It is said man has a purpose on earth. Can this not be said of the cat or other animals? It is true the cat brain can not compare to the human. But the cat has to be a thinker. He knows when to eat, sleep, etc. He too has to have purpose or what reason would God have had to create him? I figure Fuzzy Wuzzy had a purpose. I didn't get to know of him until there at the end. But like all strays out there that come on my patio for food, I gain a bit of love and respect. To many people they may be just animals. To me, I don't find it so. They are little creatures of God with love to give. I am almost certain Fuzzy Wuzzy left his mark in this world. As the male dominant cat of the colony, he is almost certain to have left little Fuzzy Wuzzy's behind.
Elephants go to a place where elephants go to die. Do other animals do it too? I think maybe so. I think I have seen it.
For a cat to live to get old as a stray is a mystery in itself. It is such a hard life for a stray cat. There was the cat Rags. I felt he came here to die. But after a few days he disappeared. There was the cat Buddy. He lay in a rocking chair on the front porch in his later days. He soon disappeared. I saw others come that I figured would surely die. If they died here, I would bury them. But they disappeared. I assumed they crawled off to die. But Fuzzy Wuzzy was different. He came and stayed. On that day, July 15, 2013, I found him dead. In the path that cats made crawling underneath the fence to enter the patio area, there lay a motionless Fuzzy Wuzzy.
In those days leading up to his death, he kept eating. His body was so skinny. He cried loud when I brought the food out. I reached out my hands and to my surprise, he allowed me to rub him. I wondered if human hands had ever touched him before. He stayed in the area out back during the day. He seldom left the patio area. He did though on the day of his death. He crawled only a few inches outside the area. But there he was dead at a place he called home. He was laid to rest under the pear tree close to the very spot where he took his last breath. The place we call our pet cemetery.
Every living creature on earth will die eventually. Modern man has tried to change this. But as we well know, there has been no success at it. It is said man has a purpose on earth. Can this not be said of the cat or other animals? It is true the cat brain can not compare to the human. But the cat has to be a thinker. He knows when to eat, sleep, etc. He too has to have purpose or what reason would God have had to create him? I figure Fuzzy Wuzzy had a purpose. I didn't get to know of him until there at the end. But like all strays out there that come on my patio for food, I gain a bit of love and respect. To many people they may be just animals. To me, I don't find it so. They are little creatures of God with love to give. I am almost certain Fuzzy Wuzzy left his mark in this world. As the male dominant cat of the colony, he is almost certain to have left little Fuzzy Wuzzy's behind.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Technical Dificulties
Due to Technical Difficulties, I have been unable to post on my blogs for the past two weeks. Posting will begin again next week.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Tobias Finds a New Home
It was a hard decision to make, but
Tobias had to go. A cat especially
sought to find by his owner, he was bought at a Pet Store in a surrounding
town. The drive was no problem as many
Pet Stores were called in search of that special white cat. The cat’s name was chosen before he was
already purchased. Home he was brought
to live with three female spayed cats.
Himself neutered was seen as no problem to his fitting in. But constantly he fought with one of the
females. She was separated and lived in
a small room by herself. Tobias
dominated the area with the other two cats.
They were allowed free run of the house.
The one cat separated seemed to adapt to her limited space. The owners hated doing this, but could not
see any other solution. They did not
want to get rid of Tobias. They did not
want to get rid of any of their cats that they had grown to love. Well, not until new baby came along.
Even I could sense some change with
Tobias when I visited. He stayed close
to the baby. At first it was believed he
liked the baby. But was he just checking
things out? His personality was
changing. He fought more and more with
now the other two cats. And if the cat
limited to space and kept up got out, Tobias attacked. It was a scary day when the baby was in the
arms of her Dad that Tobias charged after one of the cats. In line of his attack was that baby in the
arms of her Dad. Tobias just missed the
baby. This incident was one of
many. It made the parents leery of their
cat Tobias.
Reviewing their options, there was
releasing him outside. Btu having always
been an indoor cat made them wonder if he could survive outside. This was definitely out! There was the taking him to a shelter. But there were no guarantees against him
being put to sleep. This was definitely
not a solution. The best solution was to
find him a home. It was kind of like
knowledge that most people did not want a grown cat. Tobias was a good six years old. But the search was on for a new owner. Surely someone would want him. First come contact with friends. And lo and behold, a person stepped forward
“I’ll try to take Tobias,” said
Angela. “I have a male cat already. If he can get along with him, I will keep
Off Tobias went to what everyone
hoped would be his new home. First,
Tobias found a hiding place. But slowly
he began to come out. There was never
any fighting among the two cats. It was
as if they had been together forever.
Occasionally a telephone call to the friend brought good news. The family loved Tobias. And their cat apparently did so as well.
The moral of the story is: There’s always the possibility of placing a
cat in a loving home if keeping him creates a problem for the original
owner. Give Tobias up was hard. And it is with any cat who has become a member
of your family. But sometimes it is
better to let them go if he/she can be happier somewhere else. Tobias has a new family and is very
happy. His original owners took the time
to search and found that “Perfect Home.”
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Hungry Hungry Kitty
It was a rainy day. Perhaps this was the reason for the cat’s
behavior out of character. It was normal
feeding time for the stray cats that do appear regularly at my back door. I was not behind in my scheduled feeding
time. A back bathroom window had me
looking out to see how many I should count this time. It was then I counted thirteen strays
waiting. And other strays would surely
come later. But the ones present already
were drenched in rain. Having a tarp
over picnic tables (I have two) gave them all dry spots to wait.
Hurriedly I made preparation to go
out the back door with a bowl of dry food, gravy packages, and several cans of
wet cat food. It had become an expense
to feed them. But giving up certain
leisure items of my own, gave me the extra cash to feed them. I enjoy seeing animals eat who ordinarily
would have their lives cut short with starvation. Some of these cats I do believe do not have
the survival techniques. There’s Sticks
that has leukemia. There’s Ricky that
has a crooked head and crossed eyes. I
have seen many cats that have eye problems, etc. But still they live, whereas others are
victims of accidents in street, predators, and such. For the cat with leukemia, he is one of the longest
survivors. All God’s creatures deserve a
chance at living. I do feel good about
feeding them. I see nothing wrong with
it regardless of what some people may think.
But today may seem quite
different. Immediately upon opening the
back door, they all come running. It was
not so in the past. Before I could close
the door, in ran two. I had a tough time getting out my door. I head for a
picnic table with food in hand. I place food upon the table now going to an
outside cabinet to get bowls. I have to pick up containers at night before
scavengers eat what is left over from the day. With a rash of kittens being
killed in the past, I have to put up food at end of day.
I have never been able to come close
to a big grey male cat I call Fuzzy Wuzzy. But there he was meowing at the bowl
I was filling. He was starving and I appeared to be no threat to him. If I had
wanted to touch him, I could have. But I held back. He could have bit the hand
that feeds him. There was Tarzan, who meowed like a lunatic. It was just last
night they had food before it was taken up. But all thirteen acted like a
hungry, hungry kitty. They acted as if they had not eaten in days. But then
again, could it have been the change of one of the cat foods I was giving them?
It was last weekend I bought an item from an area store that was a phase out
item. It was expensive cans of cat food at half price. I have been giving it to
the strays this week. I think this may be the change of behavior. Will I be
able to go back to the regular kind I have been putting out? My daughter said, “They
are afraid they won’t get any of it if they don’t get to it first.” Cats, I
guess, are much like humans in their taste buds. We like certain foods and pass
up others. I guess they are no different. But if a cat gets hungry enough, I
guess they will eat a cheaper brand.
I look outside after just a short
time. The good food is all gone. And then so are the majority of the cats. Remaining
behind are only a couple of cats. There’s a 100% chance of rain today. With the
cat’s belly now full, it is probably now nap time…..
Saturday, July 13, 2013
The Visit
My husband’s brother, wife, and two
children lived in Jefferson City, Missouri.
Their visits were far and in between.
We were always glad to hear they were coming. But one thing always had us regretting it
once they got here. Although we were cat
lovers, we would always have a problem.
It was hardly unlikely that they did not have the money to pay someone
to care for their cat. (Perhaps they
could get a neighbor or even a kennel to care for their cat.) They both worked as teachers. But not so; as here they came with their
cat. Two cats that didn’t spend any time
together were expected to get along. Our
only cat at the time was a female named Tina.
She generally hid from this big male cat named Jerry.
Articles written do talk of how to
introduce cats to one another. But there
was no time since Jerry only came for occasional visits. It was not his house, but he was the dominant
one. Tina had been spayed. Jerry had been neutered. But still they wanted to fight. One visit should have told my husband’s
brother and family that the cats did not get along. Try it once and next time don’t bring the cat
again. It was a blessing that we all
slept upstairs. The cats spent the whole
night downstairs. With Tina hiding most
of the time, the fighting was kept at a minimum. But the next day, they were at it again
especially when food placed out. But
those years, like everything else, had their time and place. It seems like so many years ago. But it still leaves memories that stay with
me. With my husband deceased and his
brother gone as well, communication with his wife and children ended. I did try to relocate them, but without
luck. They all moved from Missouri. Even if she and I were no longer related, the
children were still cousins. Maybe there
is a lot to say about related only by marriage.
It is kind of funny to think that the only thing I remember most about
them was their cat.
This does make for kind of a sad story. People have a habit of changing. We live in a fast paced world. People have so many things that keep them
busy. Or so, they always say they are
busy when they don’t stay in touch.
Perhaps this explains the brother-in-law’s family. An animal (a cat) is never too busy for
you. If you love them, they will return
that love. It took me many years to
realize that a cat’s love is forever.
Unlike the human, I don’t think a well-cared for cat is ever too busy
for you!
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy Fourth of July!
Happy fourth of July to all
cat lover's out there. With taking off this week for the holiday, the
next cat story to appear the weekend of July 12-14.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Not a Tarzan; but a Jane?
was born to Devil eyes. Devil Eyes
disappeared, but Tarzan stayed on. Devil
Eyes had managed to teach her kitten to eat solid food from the food we put
out. We were unable to tell Tarzan’s
gender as from a distance the long black hair was everywhere on her. It was not until Tarzan come bringing seven
kittens that we knew Tarzan was a girl.
We considered renaming her Jane.
But Tarzan had already stuck. And
slowly but surely, her seven kittens met their demise from some predator.
Whether Tarzan continued to eat from
our solid food afterwards, we did not know.
But we never saw her. She was not
present when the food was placed out.
One is not outside twenty-four hours a day. How many cats come and go is not known. What is known is that the food all
disappears. What started as one feeding
a day has now turned into two. There’s
one in early morning and one in afternoon.
It is rounded off to treats in the evening when dishes are taken up to
avoid wild animals from feeding.
Would we see Tarzan again? She evidently was a wanderer. Whatever survival techniques this cat has
learned, she has been using them. For in
the backyard I finally see Tarzan eating from a bowl. I have a habit of looking out a back window
sometimes. From here, I see the patio
clearly. This is where I put out cat
food. And excited I am on this
particular day to see Tarzan again.
Today, Tarzan is not alone. Eating out of the bowl with her is one long
haired black kitten. I laugh as this
kitten is the spitting image of her mother.
I look closer and there really is just one kitten with Tarzan. It’s a good feeling to know that a cat that
has lost so many kittens in the past has finally got one to survive. But also; I can’t help but wonder how many
kittens did she start out with?
There’s a lot of sickness and a lot
of deaths with strays. There’s also a
lot of excitement that comes with it as well.
It is entertaining to watch kittens play in the yard. They seem to have not a worry in the
world. Then they grow up and are on their
own. This outlook on life seems quite
If this little kitten of Tarzan’s
continues to survive, we will be faced with the task of naming it. And it is pretty certain that we won’t be
able to get close enough to tell its gender.
Is it not a Tarzan, but a Jane? I
am sure that time will give us the correct answer.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Most Popular
of this article are taken from Most Popular on the dog blog.
don’t think there is any topic that the internet doesn’t comment about. Where was the internet when I was in
school? Maybe my grades would have been
a bit better then when researching for that term paper. But all this is hindsight.
I was wondering about if there was a
most popular name for a cat. There is
one for a baby. Also, there is one for a
dog that has already been mentioned in my dog blog. It was out of the most popular list for the
cat, I made the top ten for the names Tiger, Lucy, and Buddy. I never made the rest of the 100 list for
female and the 100 list for male thereafter.
I could list all 100 names for male cats
and the other 100 names given female cats.
But ask the question on the internet, “What are the most popular cat
names and most popular dog names?” It
will take you right to the list with the click of the mouse.
The ranking on the internet comes
from the names compiled by the Veterinary Pet Medical insurance policies
purchased mostly within the United States.
How accurate this is one can only guess.
Many may not have pet insurance.
I don’t for now. I guess this
subject to change if Congress and the Senate require it.
I give below the top ten male names
and female names for cats.
Rank Male Female
1 Max Chloe
2 Tigger Lucy
3 Tiger Molly
4 Smokey Bella
5 Oliver Sophie
6 Buddy Princess
7 Charlie Cleo
8 Simba Angel
9 Sammy Lily
10 Oscar Maggie
the list of top ten on both cat and dog lists:
Max, Lucy, and Molly
Saturday, May 25, 2013
a cat grieve over another cat’s passing?
I don’t know for certain. I haven’t
researched the experts’ findings. I
judge by what I see. Perhaps in this
case, experience is the best teacher. When
something happens to Mother cats, one hears the meows of the kittens. This for certain is hunger. But grieving when mother does not return, I
feel is possible.
No Name had four kittens. They were Fred, Ricky, Lucy, and Ethel. When No Name got ran over in the street, the
meows came. But having taught her young
to eat solid food I put out, they were surviving. But Lucy and Ethel came up missing. Pieces left from a predator were found. And now remaining were Ricky and Fred. Out in the street, Fred became a victim of a
car just like his mother. But grieving
did not seem to come from Ricky. Instead
it came from a cat named Sticks. They
were two male cats who played constantly together. It was almost comical. I think maybe getting along so good was that
Sticks was neutered. Fred was not. But they played together. Being a male though and perhaps not being
neutered, Fred would wonder off. Sticks
stayed mostly in the yard. The fact he
had leukemia may have made a difference too.
Sticks had been hurt from being kicked by neighbor kids. When deciding to bring him in the house, he
got tested for it. We were unable to
bring him in since he would possible infect our indoor cats. He was left outside. I couldn’t see putting him down. The fact that he could infect others has
become no problem. He’s outliving the
healthy ones outside. Fred was very
healthy looking. But his demise came
from a speeding vehicle. There is
apparently no cure for cat leukemia.
Sticks stopped playing and hardly
moved from laying around in the yard. It
happened when Fred was gone. We had buried
Fred in the yard. Sticks went and laid
on the spot where Fred was put to rest.
How could he know? He never
watched us bury him. But I already
figured we would be burying Sticks. I
just knew he was dying.
I constantly went to where sticks
was laying and put out treats. These
were his favorite. At first, he would
not eat. But finally he did. I would rub him. A cat just loves the stroke of his hair. It took a few days until finally Sticks was
back to his old self. I can only pass
this off as grief. What else could it
be? Sticks is about to reach two years
old. Leukemia or not, he’s reaching the
life expectancy of outdoor cats. It
would not surprise me if Sticks was around for some time now. He’s called Sticks because of his long legs
and skinny body. He runs and hops like a
rabbit. His eyes are crossed as he had
an eye disease that took him for his first vet visit. If any cat had nine lives, Stick does. He certainly had a longer life than
Fred. Fred was just one. In humans, it is said we all have our way of
going. What’s to say that cat’s don’t either? Leukemia may not be Sticks way to go. As for now, he’s okay. I show him the love of that rub as often as I
can. I look for him every time I go
outside. And like clockwork, he comes
hoping with his long legs. He’s not a
pretty cat, but he sure is a loveable little fellow.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
A Tribute
Perhaps there is something to that,
that cats tell other cats,” There’s food down there!” Slowly but surely; the
number of cats increased. People say, “Don’t feed strays.” They are God’s
creatures. They get hungry and need to eat. Once you start; then how can you
justify stopping?
In the four year span, I have seen
many come and many go. I have seen them die. I look; and they discontinue
coming. I figure they met their demise somewhere out there. It is said they
have a life expectancy of two to five years. I think maybe that is true. So,
why is it reported to be so many strays out there?
A cat is an independent animal. He
comes and goes as he wishes. And to feed them does not make them yours. If I
could bring every cat indoors, I would. But I know my limit of how many I can
feed and take care of with routine vet visit. I EVEN ASKED THE VET’S OPINION ON
THIS. How many I can have and maintain sanitary conditions. I know how many
keeps me from being a hoarder. To those cats that remain outside, I do give
names. This way I ask myself, “Where’s such and such?” I give a tribute now to
many I have seen go.
Skillet Rags Hope Joyce Neil
Illa Calico Little Calico Cotton Tail No Name
Eyes Moe Lucy Ethel Waco
Ugly Buddy Tangerine Moth Ball R.J.
Midnight Bushel Scared Fred
Seven Dwarfs were brought by their Mother so she could teach them to eat solid
food. But bits and pieces in the yard showed they had become some predator's
lunch. So many kittens have met their demise in the same way. They never
reached the naming stage. I do see this. But the internet prepares one
when feeding stray cats telling you that you will see this. It becomes obvious
to me that it may well be what is called the “Circle of Life.” It still hurts
though to see any abuse of animals whether predator, or whatever. Starvation
could have them meeting their demise sooner. So, I continue feeding.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Kat's Cat
This story was written by my daughter, Teresa Bartock.
I’ve always been a cat lover. It was no surprise when I got a place of my
own that I soon had two kittens. They
were both domestic short hair. One was a
gray eight week old female that I named Shadow.
The other was a black six week old female that I named Midnight. For a little over a year, it was just the
three of us. I treated Shadow and
Midnight like they were my children.
They were very spoiled.
Two years later I got married. My husband and I didn’t really have a desire
to have any children. But since we were
both pet lovers, it didn’t take long for our two cats to turn into four cats
and two dogs. The additional two cats
were also domestic short hair: a white
male named Tobias (Tobi for short) and a black and white female named
Zena. Shadow and Midnight have always
been “my” cats. So it worked out quite
well that Tobi and Zena were closer to my husband than they were to me.
After five years of marriage, we
found out that we were having a baby. We
had the same worries that most first time parents have. Are we ready?
Will we be good parents? Can we
afford a baby? But we also had another
thing to worry about: How will our
spoiled cats react? I was especially
concerned about how Shadow and Midnight would react since I had given them so
much of my time and attention for almost eight years.
It didn’t take long for nine months
to pass by and before we knew it, we were bringing home our little bundle of
joy. We were the proud parents of a
beautiful, healthy eight pound baby girl.
I had always loved the name Katherine.
Since my husband and I didn’t agree on any boy names, I was thrilled
that he immediately agreed with the name Katherine if we had a girl. We thought about what her nickname would
be. Would we call her Kathy, Kate,
Katie, or Kat. My husband and I thought
it would be cute to call her Kat.
When we brought Kat home, my cats
didn’t know what to think. They hid for
a few days. After that they would come
around and sniff her. But Tobi acted a
little different than the rest of the cats did.
This cat that didn’t really hang around me often before Kat was born was
now suddenly everywhere I was…as long as Kat was with me. There were many times that I sat on the couch
feeding Kat or just holding her and Tobi would come cuddle up next to us. You can tell that he likes her.
It’s been two months now and the
cats all seem to be adjusting well to their new “little sister.” They all love her now, but it is still
obvious whose cat is whose. I still have
Shadow and Midnight and my husband still has Zena. But it’s obvious that Tobi is now Kat’s cat.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
A Good Imagination - Part III
After our vacation was over, we brought
Goldie home where she adjusted quite well. The vet had completely removed her
tail and it healed quickly. People would, and still do, come to our house and
simply assume she is a bob tailed cat. We will never know how she came to be
under the hedge in our front yard. We wondered for the longest time if someone
had simply dropped her off in our yard, knowing that we are animal lovers and
would take her in. We asked the vet what could have happened to her tail and
she didn’t know. She said maybe she got
it caught in a fence or something. Years
later, it occurred to me that perhaps Little Goldie had hitched a ride under
the hood of my husband’s car from his workplace; that could better explain the
damage to her tail. It’s pretty commonplace for kittens to climb under cars out
of curiosity or a desire to get warm.
The kitten, who was once frightened by our
big dog Abby, became friends with the dog. Every time she sees her, she rubs up
against her in greeting. Sometimes they will lie together. Goldie truly became Adam’s cat and still
sleeps on the end of his bed every night. The name Goldie really does seem to
fit her. We love to tell the story of
how she came to us, but when Adam was still just three, he added something to
the story. I overheard him telling my sister-in-law how Goldie used to be a
boy. “Really,” she asked? She used to be
a boy?”
Adam replied. She used to be a boy, but
then they cut her tail off at the vet and now she is a girl.”
Adam is older now and would probably be a
little embarrassed by this part of the story! In fact, I just read this to him
and his face turned bright red! I thought it was so funny at the time he said
it, though. I did not correct him. I was just proud to be the mother of a boy
who thought things through. A good
imagination can go a long way.
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